Out of the mouths of Babes


I’ve been thinking about this post for a while, but life has been crazy busy for the last 2 months. 

As people lose weight, it is a side effect that we end up with “bat wings” and hanging skin. I have now lost almost 175 pounds and I do have a bit of a bat wing on both of my arms. Both my 9 year old and my 11 year old at different times have “played” with my bat wings. I asked both of them separately, “Why are you doing that?” Both of them responded with almost the exact same wording. “Mom, I gotta play with it now before it disappears.”  
I replied with,”oh really?”  To this question my 9 year old shook his head yes, but my 11 year old said “It already disappeared on that part of your arm” (my forearm)  Now how do you respond to that? 

I’m going to tell you one more story.  My 17 year old noticed one day that my neck was looking more wrinkled than before and he was concerned that I was starting to age. I informed him that I was alright with that since I have looked younger than my real age for a long time. In my mind, I knew that they would disappear in a while. Well, a few months later, he was standing in front of me and he grabbed the skin on my neck and gave it a little shake. Then he mentioned that my wrinkles were disappearing again. (Yes, one of my younger boys actually got a picture of him doing it.) This time he asked me how and why that happened. What had I done to make them disappear? 

What my children have observed without knowing is the effect of fasting for over 18 hours. Once you go 18 hours without eating, your body starts to recycle the old cells.  This includes the bat wings and sagging skin. People have told me that with me wanting to lose over 200 pounds, I would eventually want to have surgery to remove the extra skin. Yes at the moment I have sagging skin on my stomach and my thighs and small bat wings, but I think that I will just continue with my 1 hour eating window per day. It is a lot less expensive. 


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