How Did I Do It?

So instead of continuing my narrative this time, I decided that I would answer two questions that I have been asked many times since my first post. 1) How much weight have I really lost? 2) How did I do it? 
So far, year to date, I have lost 117 pounds out of 200. Yes my goal is to lose at least 200 pounds. I will be less than half of my starting size. If you remember, I started at 375 pounds. When I finally get down to 175, I will no longer be considered obese. At that time I will then decide if I want to drop another 10 or stay at 175. I was 225 when Daniel and I were married. 

I didn’t think of myself as over weight back then, and Daniel loved me for who I was. I was a lot stronger back then compared to now as well, but soon the weight piled on. 
How did I lose the weight? My whole life I was told don’t eat the fat filled foods. “Eat the diet dressing for a salad.” “Don’t eat so much bacon, that much fat isn’t good for you.”  “Black olives have too much fat in them, don’t eat that many.”  So I always tried to limit the grams of fat and I kept gaining the weight. With Keto you learn what kind of fats are healthy fats and you want to eat the healthy fats. Instead of the grilled chicken breast all the time, I get to eat steak, pork chops, bacon, sausage, avocados, black olives, green olives, cottage cheese, sour cream, cream cheese, and cheese. All of these are healthy fats. Your meal should consist of veggies, healthy fat, and protein. You can have the grilled chicken breast if you want it, but add some health fat to it as well. NO grains, rice, or pasta. 

I didn’t start off with one meal a day like some people do, I started by dropping to three meals a day. I had a breakfast of almonds, or eggs and sausage, or an omelette. Then Lunch I ate a RBS (Ridiculously Big Salad), then supper was a Keto meal with my family. As I progressed on this meal plan, I found that I wasn’t hungry in the morning, so I gradually ate later in the day. Soon, I no longer ate breakfast at all, instead just the other two meals a day. Then i cut my blood sugar medication and my high blood pressure medicine in half. Now I eat OMAD (One meal a day) 3-4 times a week. Then other 3-4 days of the week, I eat TMAD (two meals a day). I found out early on that I can’t do the same thing everyday or my body will say “Hey I know what you’re doing!” And I won’t lose any weight even though I should be. By mixing it up, my body doesn’t know what to expect and I will continue to loss weight. 

I have followed the outline that Amanda Rose set up in the Facebook group “Eat Like A Bear”.  She has set up a digital course that has 6 videos that explains some of the hows and why.  I also has many recipes in it along with a 6 week meal plan complete with a weekly grocery list to take out all of the guess work. Unlike many other weight loss programs that charge $50- 400 a month, her course is a one time charge of only $47. 

In my opinion, it is worth every penny. One of my new favorite recipes is in her course, the Cheeseburger Salad. If you ask my family what it tastes like, one will say it tastes like a Whooper and another will say it taste like a Big Mac. Yes, I eat a lot of salads, but no it isn’t all that I eat. In the course is salad recipes, cooked recipes, and soup recipes. Plus, I have started to create some of my own that the family likes as well. 

Yes I have come a long way, but I still have more to go. I know that if I stick with this plan, I will make it. 


  1. Yay!!! Love to read your progress!

  2. So proud of you sister. I wish you were still my neighbor. Miss you keep up the amazing work. You look so much happier!!

  3. Congratulations! You are an inspiration!

  4. Maybe I should try like you omad and then tmad . In the past I straved my body for years with my body not knowing when it was going to get food so it hung onto fat. Thank you for this. God bless you. Keep it up until you say no more loss enough..happy with this size.

  5. I am so impressed with what you have done and are doing! Do you ever do longer fasts than 23 hrs.?

  6. Going back to the drawing board and make this way of eating a way of life.... congratulations on your success so far๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ

  7. I appreciate your time and story i have been at a stall for a while now I gave up on soda, sugars,rice,potatoes, all breads and pastas
    I drink a pot of black coffee every day instead of 3 and a lot of water
    Most of my meals consist of meats vegetables salads and coleslaw
    I snack on string cheese and pepperoni
    I eat one meal a day 4 to 5 times a week
    I will keep strokin along and see what happens


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