So instead of continuing my narrative this time, I decided that I would answer two questions that I have been asked many times since my first post. 1) How much weight have I really lost? 2) How did I do it? So far, year to date, I have lost 117 pounds out of 200. Yes my goal is to lose at least 200 pounds. I will be less than half of my starting size. If you remember, I started at 375 pounds. When I finally get down to 175, I will no longer be considered obese. At that time I will then decide if I want to drop another 10 or stay at 175. I was 225 when Daniel and I were married. I didn’t think of myself as over weight back then, and Daniel loved me for who I was. I was a lot stronger back then compared to now as well, but soon the weight piled on. How did I lose the weight? My whole life I was told don’t eat the fat filled foods. “Eat the diet dressing for a salad.” “Don’t eat so much bacon, that much fat isn’t good for you.” “Black olives have too much fat in the...
This is a sad picture in many ways. This Is what I looked at my heaviest weight. My heaviest weight was 375 pounds. I had given up on ever losing weight because nothing I had tried had ever worked. I hated pictures of myself, so I always deleted the pictures that I wasn’t hidden behind someone. January of 2019 I quit eating pancakes and waffles and I quit drinking Dr. Pepper unless I was on a trip and needed something to drink. In June of 2019, I found this picture on Facebook that a friend of mine had taken and shared. I cried when I saw this picture. I knew that I had to find something that worked. I started researching Keto in general and found that there are many versions of Keto, but the basic theme is low carbs. I started playing with the idea of less carbs and not fully committing to it yet when someone recommended that I look up a Facebook group “Eat Like A Bear”. I started reading all of the free information on the sight. The units were full of information. I read every s...
For the last 3 months plus, my wonderful husband has gotten up and weighed in at 304 and bounced around a bit, never dropping under 304. He has done well about not cheating. He eats the supper that I fix and a couple of protein bars during the day most of the time normally with a 6-8 hour window. 4-5 times a week, his supper is a RBS. The rest of the time, it is Keto. He has told me several times “I just want to be under 300!” This morning he woke up and weighed in to find out that the scale had finally moved. Not only was he under 300, he is now 2 pounds away from a 100 pound lose. He now weighs 298! He danced a couple of jigs this morning. During this same three months, he has also lost almost 6” off his body. So we knew he hadn’t completely staled, just the deceitful scale had staled. I told him “swish”. So if the scale ever quits moving for you, don’t ever give up. It doesn’t matter if it takes almost four months to move again, ...
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