Daniel’s 100 pound mark!


This actually happened seven weeks ago, but I have been busy with track and soccer.  I still didn’t want to forget about it. 

Three months ago, I made a deal with Daniel (my husband) that when he had hit the 100 pound mark for weight loss, we would take a trip, just the two of us, to the Tulsa area. There we would spend the night in a hotel and then both of us would have a 90 minute massage at Acqua Viva Oasis. 

This motivated Daniel more than anything else. He hit his goal and we were able to enjoy a fabulous 24 hour get away without the kids. After our rest Friday night, Monica did an amazing job working on every muscle in our bodies for three hours (90 minutes each).  Muscles that I had begun to think would never stretch again, did in fact stretch. It was wonderful.  I’m not just saying that because she is my sister...check out her Google reviews or visit her website at   https://acquavivaoasis.com/

Rewards for achievements can be so much fun. 

Also, for those who know my family, yes we did have lunch with my dad and Sherry before we left the area.

 Thankfully the kids didn’t destroy the house while we were gone either. 


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