
5X clothes vs a L top and XL skirt

 I actually found an older picture of me today. It was taken about 3 1/2 years ago and no one was standing in front of me.  I knew that I was being photographed and I was standing, so it is much easier to see the difference between then and now. It hit me pretty hard about how far I have come in just 15 months.  I was trapped in that body and saw no way out because nothing had ever worked before now. I am so grateful for the Eat Like A Bear community and everyone in the group for the encouragement and support that I have always gotten, on the good days and the bad. I’m not done. With a -142 pounds, I am only 70% of the way to my goal, but life is so much different now that I don’t even know where to start some days. Daniel couldn’t even believe that he was looking at a picture of me when I showed it to him. 


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