Hurtful Words
We’ve all heard them, we have probably all said them at one time or another, some times maybe knowingly or unknowingly. Words can hurt beyond imagination. The second part of James 3:8 describes the tongue as “a restless evil, full of deadly poison.” We all know someone out there who doesn’t control their tongue and who is always firing poison at everyone around them. They can’t love themselves and they can’t stand for anyone around them to be happy either. During my weight loss journey over the last 13 months, I have come across many different opinions toward what I am doing to lose weight. 1) the person who is the cheerleader and “good for you” all the way. 2) The person who is blown away by what you are doing and wants to know how they can do it. 3) “well, I’m glad that you found something that is working for you”, maybe halfhearted pat on the back. 4) I’m glad it works for you, but I’m not interested in doing it myself. 5) “I don’t see how eating like that ca...